Install Tethys Platform

Last Updated: September 2022

This article will provide an overview of how to install Tethys Portal in a production setup ready to host apps. Currently production installation of Tethys is only supported on Linux. Some parts of these instructions are optimized for Ubuntu, though installation on other Linux distributions will be similar.

Install Miniconda

  1. As of version 3.0, Tethys Platform can be installed using conda. We recommend installing Miniconda as it provides a minimal installation of conda that is appropriate for servers:

    cd /tmp
    bash ./
  2. Read the license and accept when prompted. Install to the default location (~/miniconda3) and configure the shell to start on startup.

Install Tethys Platform

  1. Create a new conda environment called tethys with the tethys-platform package installed:

    conda create -n tethys -c conda-forge tethys-platform
  2. Activate the tethys conda environment after it is created:

    conda activate tethys

Install Optional Dependencies

Beginning with Tethys v5.0 or if you are using micro-tethys-platform many features of Tethys that require additional dependencies are optional. This allows you to select only the dependencies that you need for the features required in your deployment and maintains a minimal environment size. To the the list of optional features and their required dependencies see Optional Features.

  1. Gather the list of optional dependencies that you want to include in your portal. Refer to the Optional Features documentation and ensure that you have any dependencies that are required by features used by the apps that you will install into your portal.

  2. Ensure that your tethys conda environment is active:

    conda activate tethys
  3. Install the optional dependencies:

    conda install -c conda-forge < DEPENDENCY_1 > < DEPENDENCY_2 > ...

    For example, if the list of optional dependencies you wanted to install was: django-session-security, django-axes, django-gravatar2, social-auth-app-django, postgresql, psycopg2, sqlalchemy, and tethys_dataset_services, then you would install them with the following command:

    conda install -c conda-forge django-session-security django-axes django-gravatar2 social-auth-app-django postgresql psycopg2 "sqlalchemy<2" tethys_dataset_services


To simplify the process of installing tethys-platform and any optional dependencies, consider creating a conda environment YAML file (environment.yml) for your portal. For example:

name: tethys

- conda-forge

- tethys-platform
- django-session-security
- django-axes
- django-gravatar2
- social-auth-app-django
- postgresql
- psycopg2
- sqlalchemy<2
- tethys_dataset_services

Use the following command to create your environment from an environment YAML file:

conda env create -f environment.yml